Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Crossroads Lucky 13 ft Linda Joy Singleton

Welcome to Day 13 of The Crossroads Blog Tour with Linda Joy Singleton

The Final Book in Linda Joy Singleton's Popular Paranormal Series, The Seer

A whisper, too soft to swirl wispy candle smoke, carried across time, beyond life and death—and was heard. "Our bargain is sealed. My secrets will be yours-when the girl dies."

In the thrilling climax to The Seer series, Sabine's psychic abilities, sleuthing skills, and courage are pushed to a dangerous edge as she deals with the mysterious disappearance of her ex-boyfriend Josh, a new threat against her boyfriend Dominic, evil magicians (both living and dead)—and a coldblooded murder.

Linda was sweet enough to answer a few questions...
Book-Savvy: Are any of your characters based on anyone you know?

Linda Joy Singleton: "Most of my characters are based partly on people I know - except Sabine from THE SEER. She came to me from a dream and seemed like someone real. In DEAD GIRL IN LOVE, the best friend, Alyce, is based partly on my best friend because she had a mother who didn't like me. And Amber in DEAD GIRL is a lot like me - she likes chocolate, doesn't have a perfect figure, tries hard but can be clueless sometimes, and has a bad sense of direction. I have many stories about getting lost. Fortunately I'm married to someone who never gets lost and I teasingly call him "Walking GPS.""

Book-Savvy: If a biography of you were written and published as fiction, what genre would you be?

Linda Joy Singleton: "Middle-grade best friend stories. I have so many stories about adventures and creative fun I used to have with my best friend. There was drama, too, although I didn't know some family secrets until I was an adult. We once spent a day hiking across fields and catching crawdads in a stream and another time we cleaned kennels for her aunt and made up stories pretending to be bank robbers. We also went on aluminum can hunts, which was hilarious when we crawled through yards and garbage cans. So the book would be funny - and someday I hope to write it.

Book-Savvy: If you were stranded on a desert island which of your characters would you choose to be stranded with?

Linda Joy Singleton: "Amy from THE SEER because she collects series books like me and we could talk books for months! I have a great husband so I wouldn't want to be with another guy."

Wow! Thanks so much for answering the questions. I hope to see your biography some day, I think it sounds so fun! 

Linda was kind enough to send some book swag and a hand-made bracelet for one lucky commenter! Leave your e-mail address so I can contact you!

Other books in The Seer series:

Also, check out Linda Joy Singleton's Dead Girl series:

If you haven't already, be sure to Meet Me At The Crossroads, check out today's question and follow the links to participating blogs. E-mail your answers to judithgraves [at] ymail [dot] com by midnight on Halloween, the winner of the sick grand prize will be chosen shortly thereafter and notified November 1st.


  1. Thanks for inviting me to your blog! The interview questions were fun.

  2. Great Interview!!! I really enjoyed it!!! I have loved this crossroads tour!!

    My Bloody Fairy Tale

  3. I loved the biography answer. That would be a fun book to read. You should incorporate into one of your series. We'd never know it was you!
    Thinking about my BF and the things we did, I'd have a twelve book series since we've known each other since first grade! And I was the straight one she was always getting into trouble. Thanks for reminding me of the good old days!


  4. Thanks for the interview! Middle grade adventures...haha
